Polonsky Prizes for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines

Prizes awarded annually to faculty and researchers in the humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Project details

Since 2004, the Polonsky Prizes for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines have been awarded annually to faculty and researchers in the humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prizes are awarded in the categories of researcher (from among tenured faculty), young researcher (post-doctoral researchers), and doctoral/masters-level researchers. Prize-winners include Yuval Noah Harari for his book subsequently released and achieving international recognition as Sapiens.

Polonsky Prizes 2024 (video):

Polonsky Prizes_2023 (video):

Polonsky Prizes_2019 (video):

Subject area: Humanities education and research

Subject areas

Cultural heritage and digitisation

We support major libraries and museums in digitising and displaying the riches of their collections, to make them available to researchers and the wider public in innovative and attractive ways.

Humanities education and research

We support research in the humanities at significant academic institutions, educational initiatives to inspire young people about the humanities, and the broadening of educational opportunity.

Excellence and innovation in the arts

We support artistic heritage, the development of new creative work and the nurturing of young performers.